Targos burning down around them, the group tries to save as many as they can.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
With the looming threat of the Chardalyn Dragon approaching Targos, the group tries to prepare and warn the town.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
A mysterious figure approaches the group as they head back to the Ten-Towns, or what is left of them.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
With waves of enemies attacking relentlessly, the group does whatever they can to stay alive.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
Mortis is affected by spores and lives out some of his fantasies.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
Battle after battle, injuries abound, and danger around every corner greets our wary adventures. Will they find Xardorok before the Ten Towns are wiped off the map?
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
Running low on spells and willpower, the group continues to plunge forward into Xardorok's fortress as Chardalyn tempts them.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
With Xardorok's throne of Chardalyn and a roomful of spores before them, the group must determine which way to go in the huge fortress.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
As the group descends into the depths of Xardorok's fortress; they begin to learn about the cruelty of the Duergar.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
Delving further into the fortress of Xardarok Sunblight; the group learns that not everything is as it seems.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.